Born to Binge Lifestyle

EM and born to binge!
Here is one easy solution to consider. Pharmaceutical free, painless, and most crucially something you can do the rest of your life.
***Anecdote alert anecdotal alert anecdotal alert***
I wanted to share my personal experience with losing that 10% of flab. A struggle for the last three decades, solved!
A true panacea???:
Born to Binge Diet
(aka ‘it’s not fasting diet’).
TL/DR : Focus on the positive. Eat well and without limits, do so over eight hours daily. Minimal calories for remaining 16. That is, this is not about “fasting“ it’s about Binging (so to speak)
With myself as a test subject this is the only sustainable lasting strategy I’ve ever adopted to rid that ridiculous unsightly blubber around my middle.
Further details if you’re interested.
Caveats first. My feelings are this likely works well in males. Still not sure if this is wise for females but would love input if anyone is trying this.
Other hacks I’m employing simultaneously which by themselves did not produce the same affects but are probably cofactors:
-All the low-lying fruit, with a goal of minimizing basal cortisol level and maximizing mitochondrial fitness. No drinkable carbs, mindful of amount of simple carb inputed, living food probiotics daily, daily aerobics, don’t use exercise as a weight loss strategy, exercise in whatever manner causes the least psychological stress. Must must must have a stress reduction, mindfulness, meditation, prayer , breathing practices to decrease those basal cortisol levels. Sauna and cold plunge daily. View bright light for at least a few minutes every morning to facilitate necessary late morning cortisol spike. Pro tip, use something like the Reveri app and do self hypnosis regularly. Similarly consider finding a good therapist. Elucidate and then manage all the soul trauma we carry with us. Maximize intimate time with partner (multiple benefits!).
Background. This strategy was inspired by Mickey Musumeci. He is a Brazilian jujitsu multiple world champion. During an interview on the Joe Rogan podcast he shared his pasta diet. Basically making his own pizza and pasta, eating as much as he likes and then fasting the rest of the day. He shared this was the most stress-free means to make weight. It’s a great interview if you’re interested. Actually pretty inspiring.
He is almost exactly my same ideal weight, about 140 pounds. So though despite this seemingly violating laws of thermaldynamics as mentioned in other comments, for him and again anecdotally for me it absolutely does work. Perhaps where dissipating dark energy or something lol.
Adaptively it does at least have some face value. Our great great great great great grandfather’s and mothers, whom by definition impossibly survived to create us, probably did some form of this. And the farther back you go, the more likely this is true if you think about it.
Test subject, me. 53 year old emergency physician no medical problems or meds - no dx but have had borderline elevated blood pressures. Compact frame, 5‘8“. Borderline hypertension.Half Filipino and has Eastern European. When I was at Peak during athletic years, say 18 years old, I weighed about 130 pounds. During times in the inner-city trauma center, divorce, no mindfulness practices etc. etc., my peak weight was almost 160 pounds. My hemoglobin A1c crept up to about 6.4. Father has DMII.
Physically, all of that 30 pounds was around my middle, and likely in my visceral organs. So I have the dreaded SkinnyFat. Compact frame with flab in the middle.
Have casually tried almost every reasonable diet out there from prolong fasting, intermittent fasting / time restricted, Paleo, low-carb. Almost everything does actually work. For a while. Like everyone in the world who diets, would never stick. It was seemingly overnight, exactly back to where I was. Sometimes even slightly worse.
Exercise. I hate to work out. It stresses me out. So I don’t do it. Instead, I just change the language a bit and it’s just part of a lifestyle. I try to stand as much as possible. A hike regularly. I have the fortune of living on a forest property, so there’s always physical things that have to happen. It’s like a constant fun workout all the time. I installed pull up handles coming down from my cabin loft. I use these two descend and do approximately 20 pull ups, at least every other day. I try to sprint from point-to-point, because I like sprinting and it’s a little bonus workout of lower extremities. I do one random pose supramaximal Whole body contraction during exhalation, every other day.
During activity goal of keeping heart rate below the aerobic anaerobic threshold, for me at my age it’s about 130. Hack here, as long as you can breathe through your nose, you’re still aerobic!
In the mindfulness realm, I use the app mentioned above every day. I deploy an “air aroma” breathing practice. This is analogous to box breathing or 4 x 4 breathing. My hack is to sample the scent of the air while slowly inhaling, do a little stutterstep physiologic sigh like a baby. Strive for total lung capacity while doing so. Smelling the air distracts my crazy mind for a second, and clears out some of the gunk. This than leads to a form of self hypnosis, where I connect with what I think of as a divine soul. The self soul melding leads to healing and inspiration.
And as to the diet. So like Mikey I love pizza and pasta. It’s one of those things that he alludes to that I seemingly could eat without limits.
So specifically I eat as much as I want over a 6 to 8 hour period. This is always good food, whole-grain pasta’s and pizza, try to make or buy made from scratch. Local ingredients, from my Farmer friends. An outstanding dessert even if hi carb. I kind of allow myself to gorge actually. It is so pleasurable that not eating for the remaining 16 hours is almost like foreplay lol. It really does result in a net positive. Again by focusing on the positive, the binge and treating the negative, the fast as part of the binge, I feel like my overall will to continue is maximized and the psychic stress is minimized. This is easily something I could do for the rest of my life and intend to.
And because I do Emergency Medicine and the time frames are sometimes less consistent. That is, I focus less on the time of the day and more on the intervals. So if I end up eating a little bit later into the day, say last calories at 10 PM, I simply don’t start my next eight hour binge until 2 PM the next day. If I want to start eating an earlier time, I accept the occasional shorter fast period period. My average time is roughly noon to 8 PM. On Night Shift I typically don’t eat anything all day and then in the first few hours of my shift I start my binge. I know this may sound crazy, but since doing this, I’m actually quite alert by morning still. Not sure if it’s the diet but this is the only time in decades I’ve had this pleasurable wakefulness all the way to 8 AM.
Results. I feel like my ideal weight, not being too skinny, not having blubber is 140 pounds. I’ve been employing this practice for about six weeks now - and counting. After the first few weeks, I step on the scale and I swear been around 139.9 pounds every single day, no matter how much I’ve binged the day before. I feel healthy, energetic and calm. Heart rate averaging around 59. Blood pressures normal. A1c normal. I have a little adipose around my middle but overall I am overjoyed with my physique. I feel more vital than I did when I was 18.
Anyway it’s just my thoughts on this. Love to hear if anyone else again is using this strategy??
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